I’m a senior design engineer With a keen focus on methodical code. I enjoy making websites that are innovative, accessible & performant.
Features / Awards
I’ve been fortunate enough to have worked with some incredibly talented studios & individuals across the globe, picking up some awards and recognition along the way.
- AWWWARDSSite Of The Day( 3 )
- AWWWARDSDeveloper Award( 4 )
- AWWWARDSMobile Of The Week( 1 )
- AWWWARDSEcommerce Of The Year( * )
- CSSDADeveloper Of The Year( ** )
- CSSDASite Of The Day( 3 )
- CodropsSite Of The Week( 2 )
- SiteInspireFeatured Site( 4 )
- Admire The WebFeatured Site( 6 )
- The Brand IdentityFeatured Article( 3 )
Let’s Collaborate
I’m always interested to hear about new projects, so please feel free to reach out on the channels below if you’d like me to help bring your vision to life.
Twitter@ Samuelgoddard
Type set withMigra & Editorial Old
Design PartnerIsaac Powell
Front-end Stack
Back-end Stack